AWS Icons

Open-source icon library of AWS services.

AWS Icons is a free icon library of AWS services. It contains icons of all AWS services, and it is constantly updated with new services.

How to use

You download the package and use the icons in your projects. or you can use the CDN.

Install package / AWS Icons

npm install --save aws-icons

yarn add aws-icons

pnpm add aws-icons

Install package / CDN

<!-- unpkg -->
  alt="AWS Icons"

<!-- jsdelivr -->
  alt="AWS Icons"

AWS React Icons

Open-source icon library of AWS services for React.

AWS React Icons is a free icon library of AWS services for React. It contains icons of all AWS services, and it is constantly updated with new services.

How to use

You download the package and use the icons in your projects.

Install package / AWS React Icons

npm install --save aws-react-icons

yarn add aws-react-icons

pnpm add aws-react-icons


import { AmazonEC2 } from 'aws-react-icons';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <AmazonEC2 />

export default App;